False Flags

In today's society, the term "fake news" is thrown around a lot. What news source isn't fake or least bias towards one political side. It is hard to get all of the real information using only one source. What we know as "fake news" can start out because of a false flag. 

What is a false flag? A false flag is an intentional misrepresentation, especially a political or military operation carried out to appear as if it was undertaken by another party. It is designed to deceive, and that deception creates the appearance of a particular nation or group for being responsible for an activity that disguises the responsible party. 

The biggest example of a false flag is when the US invaded Syria and took over the land, and the reason was that the government was treating its citizens poorly. Also all around President Trump's election, there has been accusations about rigged elections or how he is Putin's puppet.

 Today you have to triple check your sources to find out what is the real information. Always get your news from at least two different sources and try not to use extremely bias news channels or papers. Also, be aware that other opinions exist in the world and yours may not be correct. All of these strategies will help you become a better voter and citizen. It is your right to know what is actually going on in the government, and what you find may surprise you. 
