Are you getting the right news?

How do you get your news? Do you go online? Look on social media? Are your news sources bias, do they lean more to the right or left side? Do your news sources tend to agree with your own opinions about the government? If so then congratulations you're in an echo chamber that you created on your own.

What is an echo chamber, it is an environment where you only encounter information or opinions that reflect and reinforce your own. Think about this, if you do share anything political on social media don't you usually also agree with that post?  The echo chamber makes it hard to distinguish fact from opinion because it makes you think that your opinions are the facts. You receive the information or news that you WANT to see. As humans, we tend to dismiss the actual facts if they do not align with our own personal opinions because we don't like to be wrong. 

Have you ever liked, mentions, reposted or commented on a post that you didn't agree with (politically speaking)? No, and that's because your news is filtered based on your own preferences or what the site knows will get you to read on. If I did not like Trump then the only news I would be getting is all the things that are bad about him or what he is doing wrong. But if I liked Trump then all I would be seeing is all the bad things about liberals. There is no middle ground and it makes people a lot more stubborn and unable to see the real truth that is happening.

 Be sure next time you turn on the news or google online check the source and see if it is a biased site because 99% of the time it probably is. 

