Free Expression

The 8 Values of Free Expression are:

1. Marketplace of Ideas
2. Participation in Self-Government
3. Stable Change
4. Individual Self-Fulfillment
5. Check on Government Power
6. Promote Tolerance
7. Protect Innovation
8. Protect Dissent

Although all of these expression are very important and necessary to our government I think the most important value is number 8 Protect Dissent. According to the class blog this means:

             "Our system is not supposed to be one of mob rule. The First Amendment protects
               minority views, no matter how unpopular. You have a strong protected right to disagree
               with the government - and everyone else. In fact, it is your patriotic duty to criticize the                       government"

Everyone has their own opinions and some may agree with your own views or the governments views and some may disagree, but that should not matter. The President or anyone should not be able to make peoples opinions and views disappear, because when you try to silence people they get angry and that anger builds up. We do not want what is going on in Spain to happen here in America.

We are so lucky to have the right to free speech but we always criticize the other side. We ignore opposing opinions and we hate on others if they do not share the same ideas as us, we end up arguing. We need to all realize that it should not matter what social status, income, race or even gender you are we all have an opinion and we have the right to share it without fearing for our safety.

More Information:

The Importance of Dissent by Stephen Rohde

Video: What the First Amendment Protects
