Sony and Marvel Cut a Deal

Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios have announced that they have reached a compromise to keep the well-loved superhero in the MCU universe. This is just in time for the newly announced spider man film coming out in 2021. It is rumored that Tom Holland, the actor of Spider-Man himself, was the one who helped bring this deal to a close.

Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, told to Jimmy Kimmel in an interview that Tom Holland "personally convinced him not to give up on a deal with Sony Pictures...". Holland felt as he had to do whatever he needed to do to get this deal to happen. If you have something that you are really passionate about and you really want to change something you can. Having a young actor using his first amendment rights shows that you can bring change. Even though we might not be fighting to keep two major companies together in a movie deal, we have our daily battles. We are all involved in something that we are passionate about and that we can bring positive change to.

The upcoming movie is the third Spider-Man film has a release date to July 16, 2021



Bariso, Justin. “Tom Holland Saved Spider-Man With a Phone Call--and a Little Emotional Intelligence. Here's How He Did It.”, Inc., 7 Oct. 2019,
