Phone Addiction is taking over America

Over 5 billion people have smartphones, use them on average over four hours a day, and check them over 47 times a day. That is a 1/4 of our day is dedicated to social media and texting. Apple has released a new feature on the iPhone called screen time where users can see how much time they spend on their phones per week and tells you if your screen time increased or decreased since the week before. This also breaks down your time app by app and gives you a percentage on how much you used that app that day. They put this in place to get users more aware of how much time you actually spend on your phone.

Cell phone addiction can cause anxiety/stress, narcissism, depression and sleep deprivation. But why now? Cellphones have been around for a long time and just recently nomophobia (the fear of being without your phone) has become really common. The reason is that everything we do is online and social media has become very important in our lives. Everyone wants to be famous on Tiktock or Youtube and even become an influencer on Instagram. In order to do that you have to be on your phone constantly.

I have been trying to be more aware of how much time I am spending on my phone every day. I know that phones can do a lot of good but they can also cause a lot of harm to your mind. There are now sites that are trying to help people break their cell phone addiction such as Their mission is to help people "break up" with their phones.

It is important for us to continue to have face-to-face interactions with other people or else we will just be in our rooms all day on our phones. Having everything online, and being able to have our groceries delivered to us now is just making our phone addiction way worse. Remember that you are living in a real-world and not a virtual one.

Suffering from Cell Phone addiction?
link to bankmycell which helps people break their cell phone addiction: 
