Making Politics Fun?

Dance challenges and anything that goes viral these days usually come from one app... TikTock, the new Vine used by Gen Z. But now this famous app is being used to talk about politics. From gun violence to vaping and the education system teens are talking about it on TikTock.

TikTok is a social media app used to create short comedies and lip-sync videos. It was released on the App Store in 2016 but became popular in America in 2018 and is now really popular. Instagram is still the most popular social media app with over a billion users but Tiktock has passed Snapchat with over 500 million users

Teens are now using this app to talk about different political and world issues. This app has the ability to reach millions of people just based on the hashtags you use. Hashtag politics has over 123 million views and others like #impeachment have a lot more. They use this app instead of other social media because it has a humor aspect but they are still able to talk about important issues. 60% of the apps monthly active users are 16-24 years old

I personally did not download the app and I refuse to because I feel like I would get too addicted. But I know a lot of my friends and peers use this app and try to get famous off of it.

Here are what's trending on TikTock:

Some topics that are now trending are #sweaterweather, #halloweencountdown, and #ihavearrived

